The Video Story of 1-800-Junk-Refund
Here’s what it’s all about. Check it out! The video story of 1-800-Junk-Refund, as told to a group of realtors. After you watch the video, call us if we can be of service! Enjoy!
We generate new stories all the time through our many junk removal jobs we do. Consequently, new junk removal stories are always being created. You can read more about them here:

The BEST customer appreciation shot we’ve ever taken. Her idea. You’ll flip for our service at 1-800-Junk-Refund!
Because we have so much fun telling our story to realtors and others, we invite you to contact us to have us speak. Because we give away pints of ice cream whenever we do a job for someone, we will also bring a treat of some kind for your office. Therefore, everybody wins!
Our purpose is to make your realtors and employees as excited as this lady was after we did her hauling job!
Over the years we hauled away and sold 14-foot sail boats to people from New York who drove down to pick it up. When I asked about their reason for coming so far, they said they wanted the boat to have a project to work on with their grandson!
One time we hauled away an antique pump organ. A gentleman from Michigan drove to Rockville to pick it up as an engagement present for his fiance. She loves music, but doesn’t love antiques–one of his favorite passions. He thought the pump organ might be a good bridge for her!
We sold one antique doll, found in an attic, for over $400 to a buyer in Austria when he discovered it was a music box doll made in France in the late 1800’s! It’s amazing what we come across in our business!
You can check out more stories here: